Cheaper calls for maintenance from the UK!

Cyprus has hundreds, perhaps thousands of overseas property owners. Dozens of our clients live abroad, many of which in the UK and own an apartment or villa in Paphos. Most of these properties will be rented for holidays or long term as an investment – we understand the importance of communication and how vital it is when things go wrong!

We have now arranged a new phone number especially for clients phoning from the UK, where you can now call us at a standard national rate – or free using your mobile minutes…

Our number (from the UK) is 033 3340 9798.

Calls to 03 numbers from the UK only cost the same as any national 01/02 number, they are also included as part of any free minutes from mobile tarifs. Unlike 0845 & 0871 numbers, NO revenue sharing is received on calls to 03 numbers – as introduced by OfCom in 2007.

Your call is routed straight to Nicks Maintenance Services – that’s right, Nick or Ron will pick up in Cyprus at NO extra cost to you. Helping reduce your expenses in maintaining your property in Cyprus.

If you call out of normal hours or we’re busy, you might get voicemail – but don’t forget our 24 emergency call out service from (00357) 99 009 798.

For our full contact details, please click here:

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